Most people starting out, myself included, will jump from one to another method of marketing before finding the right way to go about it. It usually takes time before finding out that having a mentor will save time and effort to get on the right track and succeed.
Finding the right mentor is not always easy, There are enough people offering it, but the meaning might be to only sell you something.
I can’t say it is easy to succeed in online marketing, it takes endurance and stamina to keep going and not give up. Too many people start, misjudge and give up. I believe affiliate marketing is the easiest way, but it means having a list of people to sell too.
There is a saying that money is in the list and how true it is! That is what’s called email marketing. It takes time to build a list of people unless you have money to buy solo ads, but then again there are many “secret” organic ways to do it if you find the right mentor to tell you.
On this site my intention is to give idea’s to different ways of systems that have training and can give shortcuts to success.